If you have recently lost your job, you may be having a hard time piecing your life back together in various ways. However, if you owe child support as a non-custodial parent, the termination of your position can be especially troubling. At Fried and Fried, we are...
Fathers’ Rights
Authorities apprehend a dozen over back child support
When a father is unable to pay child support, he may be facing various problems. In addition to the stress and depression that may come with unpaid child support, the father could be going through a hard time financially. Perhaps he lost his job or experienced an...
Understanding the importance of paternity establishment
From child support to visitation and wrongful allegations of family violence, there are a multitude of challenges that fathers may encounter. In Lee County, and throughout all of Florida's other counties, fathers who are going through any of these difficulties and...
Custodial parents and child support
When it comes to legal issues involving family law, there are a variety of topics that parents may go over, such as property distribution and alimony. However, those which involve children are often particularly stressful for fathers as well as their kids. Fathers may...
Man pays support for non-biological child
For some non-custodial parents, child support can be incredibly challenging and creates financial hardships that virtually destroy their life. Furthermore, the ramifications of missing child support payments can be severe and may prevent people who have fallen...
Disestablishing paternity: When you learn the child isn’t yours
In most cases, fathers establish paternity to claim parental rights like visitation or joint custody. But what happens if you find out that the child you thought you helped conceive isn't really yours? Not only do you have to deal with the fact that your girlfriend...
Taking a look at paternity disputes
When it comes to paternity disputes, there are all sorts of factors that you may have to take into consideration. For example, you may believe that you are a child's father, but his or her mother may be denying that you are the child's biological father. On the other...
Reviewing the benefits of modifying a child support order
When a child's parents split up, numerous legal issues may arise. For example, if you have recently gone through a divorce, you may be struggling with a custody dispute, property division and spousal support, to name a few. That said, child support can be especially...
Will back child support affect my tax refund?
Each year, taxpayers have a myriad of concerns when tax season approaches. However, if you have fallen behind on child support payments or are worried that you will no longer be able to pay child support, it is especially important for you to understand how that could...
When do child support payments end?
If you are required to pay child support, you could be struggling with various legal matters and have a number of questions. For example, you may be unsure of whether your child support order can be modified or you could be unable to fulfill your obligations because...