For unmarried fathers, there are a number of reasons why paternity establishment is essential. For example, biological fathers in Lee County and throughout the state of Florida will not have certain rights until paternity is established. As a result, it is critical for fathers who are in this position to understand the paternity establishment process and protect their rights as the father of a child.
From child custody matters to simply spending time with a child and other legal issues, establishing legal fatherhood is crucial for many fathers. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, paternity establishment can also help fathers receive notifications concerning court actions involving a child and allow them to pursue visitation rights.
When it comes to paternity establishment for couples who are not married, the laws vary from one state to another. In Florida, fathers who are not married to a child’s mother can establish paternity by completing Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity forms, attending adjudicatory hearings or submitting affidavits which acknowledge paternity to court clerks.
The Florida Legislature states that fathers who file a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity form must provide their Social Security number, which the state may share if child support enforcement becomes necessary. However, fathers who are not married to their child’s mother can protect their legal rights as a father by filing a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity form. With regard to the well-being of a child, having both parents involved in his or her life is imperative and paternity can play a vital role when it comes to parental involvement.