You may be in the habit of checking your emails, text messaging your friends and posting on social media every day. But if you are going through a divorce in Florida, you may want to change your habits a bit. At Fried and Fried, P.A., our attorneys frequently hear from our clients how their spouses use their online activities to complicate their situations. They ask us how we can help them keep their spouses from using their online activities against them.
Although you may feel the urge to share your feelings with your friends and relatives for support, you should be mindful of how you do it. The information you post online may become fuel for your spouse to use in your divorce, states Here are two things to take into consideration about your online activities.
Do not bash your ex-partner
If you are feeling hurt, angry and stressed out about your situation, you may want to tell the world or everyone who is online about it. You may want to post intimate details about your marriage or your spouse. Avoid doing so because they can make you look unstable, vindictive and confrontational to the courts, which may lead to an unfavorable outcome. Your posts can also cause misunderstandings, hurt feelings and damaged relationships with your friends and family.
You may feel like posting pictures of you going out, partying, dating and having a good time to show your ex-partner that you are getting along fine without them. But those pictures could be misinterpreted and used to make you look unstable, wild and reckless which can have a negative impact on your divorce, especially if you child custody is a factor.
Breaking up with social media during your divorce may seem hard, but it is necessary to protect your privacy and interests. If you must use Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform, use discretion and do not share, comment on or post anything that can have an impact on your divorce.