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How serious is paternity fraud?

On Behalf of | Jul 29, 2018 | Fathers' Rights |

While you have long claimed that you are not the father to a child that you are paying child support for, your story has not been proven otherwise so you are continuing to provide paternal support to raise the child in Florida. However, as the years go on, you wonder if there cannot be something you can do to establish paternity and get a clear answer. Understanding what paternity fraud is and how to detect it is critical in giving you guidance in determining what you should do. 

According to, paternity fraud is when you are asked to sign a document that states that you are the parent of a child that you are not biologically related to. Often, this happens in states where only a birth certificate is required to establish paternity. One of the first things you can do is to request and take a DNA test that will provide unarguable results that are either in your favor or prove that you are indeed the child’s biological parent. 

When paternity is proven, if you are not the biological parent, the court may ask you to continue payments or they may issue an order that relieves you of having to make future payments. You may be eligible for reimbursement to a degree depending on the situation. If you have paid a considerable amount, it is in your best interest to pursue legal action and provide justification for why you should be allowed compensation. 

The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.  

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