Noncustodial parents in Florida and throughout the country, generally, have the right to visit their children. In most cases, custodial parents can refuse to allow visits to take place if there is reason to believe that their children could be in imminent danger. However, custodial parents are not allowed to refuse visitation because they harbor negative feelings toward their former partners. Furthermore, a noncustodial parent’s visitation rights cannot be altered or abridged because he or she has entered into a new relationship.
An exception might be made in the event that a child doesn’t feel comfortable spending time with the noncustodial parent and his or her new partner. However, this is typically not a decision that the custodial parent can make unilaterally. It is important to note that child support and child custody are separate issues in the eyes of the law.
Therefore, parents who are behind on their child support payments are still allowed to see their children. Noncustodial parents should be aware that they are required to make child support payments even if they don’t agree with the terms of a visitation order. If a child is sick, visitation may take place wherever the child happens to be. In the event that a young person is hospitalized, a visit may be allowed to take place wherever the he or she is receiving treatment.
Individuals who have questions about how child custody or visitation orders are enforced may be able to obtain more information from an attorney. Legal counsel may also be able to help noncustodial parents preserve their rights as it relates to visiting or, otherwise, contacting their children. An individual may lose custody of a son or daughter if that person interferes with the relationship between the child and the noncustodial parent.