While domestic violence may not seem to be too big of a problem, it is much more prevalent in Florida than many people realize. Often, victims do their best to hide what is happening behind closed doors out of fear that they will be further injured or even killed by their abuser. In the circumstances where victims are able to escape unharmed, it is often only after considerable plotting to get around the abuser without being found out.
In a recent story that has made national headlines, a Silicon Valley mogul was denied probation by court judges after being charged with assaulting his ex-girlfriend. The charges stem from an incident that occurred some time ago when surveillance footage revealed the successful millionaire punching and kicking his then-girlfriend. He was also seen using a pillow to try and smother her. The self-made millionaire first gained national attention when he sold his company to Yahoo at only 25 years of age. He was also interviewed on Oprah Winfrey’s show where he discussed his success. However, his reputation quickly deteriorated when the charges were leveled against him. Most recently, a judge denied him probation because of an earlier violation when he attacked another girlfriend a couple of years after the initial charge.
If people have been the victims of domestic violence, they may wish to contact an attorney. This decision may enable them to gain legal protection and build a case that can help them get the compensation they deserve.
Source: apnewsarchive.com, “Court Upholds Probation Revocation For Silicon Valley Mogul,” Sudhin Thanawala, Apr. 27, 2018