Fried and Fried, P.A. | Lee County Family Law & Divorce Attorneys

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Toll free: 888-831-2597 | Local: 239-243-9287
A Tradition Of Excellence. A Forward-Thinking Family Law Practice.

The Stakes Are High In Child And Spousal Abuse Cases

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you want assurance that you and your children will be protected. If you are a spouse who has been accused of domestic violence, you need peace of mind that all allegations will be thoroughly investigated and that you will be spared potentially devastating legal consequences as a result of unfounded accusations.

The family law attorneys of Fried and Fried, P.A., believe that everyone deserves an experienced voice in Florida’s family court system. We also believe that the best way to provide successful legal representation to our clients is to be intimately familiar with the arguments that all sides make in family law disputes — and domestic violence cases are no exception. This is why we offer superior legal help to people whether they are a victim of a violent family situation or a target of false allegations.

You Can’t Afford To Go Without Experienced Legal Help

We represent clients at the two main stages of domestic violence family law cases in Florida: temporary injunctions and final injunctions.

  • People who believe that they or their children are in imminent danger can seek a temporary injunction to keep a spouse or partner from coming near them. Temporary injunctions last no longer than 15 days and can be issued without either party being present. Our firm can help you file a petition for a temporary injunction or determine your options if you have had a temporary injunction served against you.
  • Whether or not a temporary injunction was issued in a case, both sides will have an opportunity to tell their story to a judge during a hearing to decide if a final injunction should be issued. If granted, a final injunction can be in place indefinitely or for a fixed period (e.g., one year). It can order the abuser to vacate the home, stay away from a spouse/partner and children, and pay support.

Final injunctions have many consequences for the party against whom one is sought. For example, an abuser can be legally prevented from possessing a firearm and may be required to undergo counseling or participate in other programs.

Our attorneys’ extensive trial experience and aggressive courtroom strategies are invaluable in domestic violence proceedings, regardless of which side you are on. They understand that long-term legal rights — and personal safety — are at stake and are committed to ensuring fair outcomes in our clients’ favor.

Learn How To Obtain Or Challenge A Restraining Order In Florida

Our Fort Myers domestic violence lawyers will discuss the details of your case in a confidential consultation. Email us or call our Lee County office at 239-243-9287 or toll free 888-831-2597 to schedule yours.