Fried and Fried, P.A. | Lee County Family Law & Divorce Attorneys

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Toll free: 888-831-2597 | Local: 239-243-9287
A Tradition Of Excellence. A Forward-Thinking Family Law Practice.

Working To Ensure Your Business Is Valued Accurately

There are many advantages to choosing a firm that routinely handles high net worth divorces in Florida. Our attorneys are well-experienced working for clients who earn substantial income and have significant assets and as such require the highest quality, most professional and discreet legal counsel. Another advantage is that our firm has developed a network of other professionals whose expertise can contribute to a case, often making the difference between a favorable result in a divorce dispute and a less than optimal one.

In few situations is our access to independent experts more crucial than in situations where our clients solely or jointly own a business or are the spouses of business owners. In these cases, it is essential to have an accurate valuation of a business to settle important questions of property division and alimony. Our firm offers clients these and many other resources to guide them to a favorable divorce settlement with minimal delay.

Fried and Fried, P.A., can represent you if you are:

  • A sole owner of a business
  • A co- or part owner of a professional practice
  • The spouse of either of the above
  • A co-owner of a business with your spouse

Depending on your position and the value of the business in question, it may be advisable to structure a settlement to provide the nonbusiness owner spouse with financial security or, in the case of jointly owned businesses, to propose a buyout of one spouse by the other or a third party.

Learn How To Protect Your Financial Interests In A Confidential Consultation

To discuss the effect of closely held corporations or family limited partnerships in divorce proceedings, contact our Fort Myers business valuation lawyers for a consultation. Call 239-243-9287, toll free 888-831-2597 or complete our online contact form now.