Fried and Fried, P.A. | Lee County Family Law & Divorce Attorneys

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Toll free: 888-831-2597 | Local: 239-243-9287
A Tradition Of Excellence. A Forward-Thinking Family Law Practice.

Experienced Litigating Complex Financial Disputes

When a couple decides to divorce, one of the first things they usually think about is splitting up their property and bank accounts. While sometimes commonsense dictates who should take certain items, many assets cannot be easily divided.

At Fried and Fried, P.A., we stay up-to-date on the laws regarding the division of pensions, businesses, stocks, property and other assets in the state of Florida. Contact Fried and Fried, P.A., located in Fort Myers, at 239-243-9287 to schedule an appointment with a knowledgeable attorney about dividing your complex assets.

Experienced Divorce Litigators

The attorneys at Fried and Fried, P.A., have successfully represented many clients in divorce litigation. Through experience and a network of reliable professionals, we can guide you through the division of your complex assets and standard equitable distribution. We have relationships with top forensic certified professional accountants (CPAs) to help us analyze different components of a family business or to value a pension. Additionally, we will negotiate all property issues for you, relieving you of undue stress and not requiring you to deal directly with your spouse.

What Makes Our Assets Complex?

When two people get married, sometimes they combine their nonmarital assets with assets acquired during the marriage, making it difficult to distinguish who gets what when the marriage ends in divorce. Some examples of situations that create the need for litigation include:

  • One person owned real estate before the marriage
  • One person inherited real estate or money during the marriage
  • One person’s inheritance was used to buy jointly held property
  • One or both spouses have complex pensions, 401(K)s or IRAs
  • A family business has to be divided
  • There is substantial conflict over dividing the assets

For more information about the laws affecting complex asset division in Florida, schedule a consultation with an experienced trial lawyer at 239-243-9287. You can also provide us with information and schedule an appointment through our online form.