What Rights Do You Have To Alimony In Florida?
Alimony payments help a lower earning spouse make ends meet financially when a marriage ends. In many cases, one spouse may have entirely left the workforce to raise children and care for the home, depending on the other spouse for financial support. Alimony allows this support to continue even if the marriage ends.
In Florida, the court can use five different basic alimony types:
- Temporary
- Rehabilitative
- Bridge the gap
- Permanent
- Durational
At Fried and Fried, P.A., in Fort Myers, Florida, we can help you understand what type of alimony you may be able to pursue and how to protect your rights to support. We have a board-certified attorney, confidential consultations, excellent communication skills and more than 70 years of combined experience. It helps to have a proven legal team with an incredible track record on your side. Alimony is one of the most delicate parts of a divorce, and you cannot afford a mistake.
How Many Years Do You Need To Be Married To Get Alimony?
If you are married for 17 years or more, you may get permanent alimony, though courts consider numerous factors. If you are married from seven to 17 years, permanent alimony may still get awarded with very convincing evidence that it is needed. If you were not even married for seven years, while permanent alimony may be possible, it is rare and only given out in exceptional situations.
Among other factors that the court considers are issues like adultery, standards of living, physical health, emotional and mental health, earning capacity, useful skills and vocational training, additional income sources and responsibilities for children who are still minors.
Who Pays The Taxes On Alimony?
This is actually changing. For decades, the person receiving alimony paid income tax on that money, while the person paying could write it off. The change means that those paying alimony will also have to pay taxes on that money, while those receiving do not have to report it as income.
Contacting Us
These two topics can help you get started, but there are many more questions to ask about Florida alimony. If you want to contact us to set up a consultation with a lawyer, just get in touch with us online or give us a call at 239-243-9287.